A synergy of powerful bio-actives has been shown to limit the development of fat masses, particularly in the abdomen and thighs, not forgetting those less than firm upper arms, helping facilitate elimination of fat, stimulating the lipolytic activity (breaking down of fat) of adipocytes (fat cells).
A new slenderising strategy, short and long-term, is obtained from the synergy of specific plant polyphenols, providing a dual action, stimulating biological cell functions against mechanical stress, by tightening the dermal fibre network. Skin regains elasticity and tone, restoring curve contour.
If the body is slenderising it is important that restoration of skin’s natural stretching response is achieved simultaneously. Advanced Natural technology is the key to successful body sculpting, ingredient synergy offering – Lifting – Firming – Toning – Slenderising – Sculpting.
All in one magical treatment.
With continued treatments one can experience a decrease oedema (fluid retention), thigh and abdominal circumference, dermal tightening, helping regain elasticity and tone.

Whats inside? Click an ingredient to find out more...
100ml Home care pampering product
200ml Strictly IN-SALON product